
Heiner Benking (born December 8, 1951) is a map and model maker, technician and engineer, planner, facilitator, and futurist, who studying geophysics, ecology and philosophy in the early 70ies. His professional background began in the mid 70ies with engineering, later town state-planning, consulting, technology marketing focus computer graphics. Since the early 80ies he focussed technology and marketing research, later environmental research and management for national and international organisations. This lead him after 1990 towards activities like: education, cognition, future studies, media, technology and policy studies, terminology research, systems, model, and sign theory, intercultural and youth projects, and last not least participation and dialogue, social system design and "re-inventing democracy". [1]
Heiner was called a in-betweener and go-getter, diagonal or lateral thinker (Quergeist), familiar with many territories. One of his involvements lies in nurturing projects making multicomplex issues more comprehensible, tangible and visible in context and cohesion, and bridging the gap beween theory or abstraction and pragmatics, ethics and capacity building, by making use of shared models and how we can jointy increase our understanding and agreements of the "not-given" to counteract in the age of our post-modern world of Cyberculture's the destabilizing and disorienting, nihilistic trends, with the help of a model theory based systematic neo-pragmatis (see its founder Herbert Stachowiak [2] as a solid fundament of the "desing" of Benking's "Cognitive Panorama [3], Rubik's Cube" [4]). He is member of the Editorial Board of the International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics * [5], here some personal entries * [6] soon in the new WIKI-MEDIA [7] the Tagore-Einstein-Council, positive-nettworks and future raft project [8], IHTEC, [9]and the World Future School and Positive Views Newsletter [10]