
Contact Sennheiser: edwardsenft <at>
My first edit of a Wikipedia article was on Jan 11, 2004. Since then, I've been hooked. Recently I've gotten so into Wikipedia that it seems as if I'm making hundreds of edits each day. (talk about being a Wikipediaholic).
I'm a computer programmer, but I like writing articles on many subjects including space exploration, physics, and basically anything else that interests me. (Learning makes me happy.)
As a child, my favorite quote was Albert Einstein's
- Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.
(I remembered this when I saw the same quote on Dante Alighieri's userpage.) Since then, I've adopted a new more intriguing and insightful favorite quote from our president, George W. Bush
- I'm a patient man. And when I say I'm a patient man, I mean I'm a patient man.
I cannot stand to see a Wikipedia article missing a picture. Whenever I see one, (after screaming hysterically for a few seconds), I upload a public domain photograph and place it into the article. (I can usually find one by doing "nameofthingiwantaphotoof" as most government photographs are in the public domain.
Articles I am proud to have worked on
[edit]Osiris (planet) | Mars Exploration Rover Mission | MER-A | MER-B | Unit 731 | Exploration of Mars | Black Eye Galaxy | Netlanders | Ooids | W. G. Grace | Steve Linford | Egg
Article of the day:: AOTD